Thursday, October 21, 2010


Sherlock Holmes
1. Dedicated
2. Careful
3. Creative

Lord Blackwood
1. Handsome
2. Evil
3. Fallen son

Dr John Watson
1. Kind
2. Wise
3. Brave

Based on the movie Sherlock Holmes, I satisfied with the ending of the movie. The case was fully investigated. The devil of the story lastly was died. I like the way they solved the problem by doing many experiments. I think the ending of the story should more dramatic for example Irene Adler had to be free from the contract of the criminal then she can marry with Sherlock Holmes to manage Holmes daily life well-organised.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three Sisters Of Sz by Tan Kok Seng

This story is about a family live in Penang that have three daughters. The eldest and the youngest are Western-educated while the middle is Chinese-educated. The theme of this novel is the conflict between these two different kinds of education and when there is little or no parental control and love. Mrs Sz is an inverterate gambler. She has no interest in her home, her daughters are left to grow up on their own.

This main character is related to me when the parents are not interupt in my own decision which is in education. They always agree and accept any of my decision. But at least my parents care about my sisters and I.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

subject Verb Agreement

Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence. Don't use the HINT buttons unless you really need them.

1.  Either the physicians in this hospital or the chief administrator ____ going to have to make a decision.

You're right! When subjects are connected by or, the subject closer to the verb (which is, in this case, singular) determines the number of the verb.

2.  ______ my boss or my sisters in the union going to win this grievance?

You're right! Again, the subject closer to the verb (my boss) determines the number of the verb.

3.  Some of the votes __________ to have been miscounted.

You're right! Some is the subject in this sentence; it is plural because the word votes makes it a countable indefinite pronoun.

4.  The tornadoes that tear through this county every spring _____ more than just a nuisance.

The subject is tornadoes. Don't be confused by the words and phrases that sometimes come between a subject and its verb.

5.  Everyone selected to serve on this jury _____ to be willing to give up a lot of time.

You're right! Everyone! seems to be a plural word, but it is always singular.

6.  Kara Wolters, together with her teammates, _________ a formidable opponent on the basketball court.

The subject here is Kara Wolters (singular). The subject is not compounded by phrases such as along with, together with, and as well as.

7.  He seems to forget that there __________ things to be done before he can graduate.

The subject (things, in this case) comes after the verb in constructions that begin with here or there.

8.  There _______ to be some people left in that town after yesterday's flood.

The subject is people, which is plural, and that determines the verb (not the word there).

9.  Some of the grain __________ to be contaminated.

You're right! Some is the subject of this sentence and, since it is not really countable (you can't count the grain), it is singular.

10.  Three-quarters of the students __________ against the tuition hike.

You're right! Three quarters of the students represents a countable number.

11.  Three-quarters of the student body __________ against the tuition hike.

You're right! Three quarters of the student body represents a lump sum, a singular entity.

12.  A high percentage of the population _________ voting for the new school.

You're right! "Percentage" is a mathematical proportion, expressing here a singular lump sum.

13.  A high percentage of the people _________ voting for the new school.

You're right! "Percentage" is a mathematical proportion, but here it reflects a countable, therefore plural, quantity.

Results: 9 Correct -- 4 Wrong -- 0 Skipped